$Pages,6 $Title,Head Injury $Page1 $Sounds,STL11,STL12,STL13 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For $Text,1. A cut, bruise or lump on the scalp $Text,2. Possible confusion, drowsiness, or unconsciousness $Text,3. Clear fluid or blood flowing from the ear, nose or mouth $End1 $Page2 $Sounds,STL14,STL15,STL16 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For $Text,4. Vomiting $Text,5. Convulsions $Text,6. Unequal pupil size of the eyes $End2 $Page3 $Sounds,STL17,STL18,STL19 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For $Text,7. Pale or reddish face $Text,8. Complaint of a headache $Text,9. Speech difficulty $End3 $Page4 $Sounds,STL110,STL111 $SubTitle,Signs To Look For $Text,10. Restless and confused behavior $Text,11. Change in the rate of the victim's pulse $End4 $Page5 $QT,headinj $QT1,0,9867 $QT2,9867,12866 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,1. Check and maintain an open airway, and if necessary, restore breathing. If a neck injury is suspected, do not twist or rotate the head. $Text,2. Keep the victim calm and lying down. $End5 $Page6 $Sounds,IT13,IT14,IT15 $SubTitle,Immediate Treatment $Text,3. If no neck injury is suspected, allow secretions to drain by turning the victim's head. $Text,4. Control any serious bleeding by applying pressure. $Text,5. Seek emergency medical services. $End6